Explore Veterans benefits and eligibility including health care, pension, life insurance, disability compensation, housing, education and training, employment assistance, survivors benefits, and memorial benefits.
Veterans often have questions about VA services and benefits. Whether they have recently exited military service or have been separated for years, VA is here to help Veterans navigate benefit entitlements and take an active role in their health care.
It might look official—and even include the VA seal or logo—but unless the image or post links to a .gov official website (like VA.gov or USAJobs.gov) or official social media channels, it’s not from VA.
During the holiday season it's important to remain vigilant, to protect your sensitive information, and to verify the security of websites when shopping online.
When Veterans need support and encouragement from a person who can relate to their challenges, our peer specialists are available to help. A peer specialist has traveled the road to recovery and now works at VA supporting other Veterans in finding their own paths.
Veterans, caregivers and families can still browse the website or search it for information, but in addition you can now ask specific questions to the chatbot. The recently launched feature is one way VA is working to offer seamless and secure access to VA’s online resources.