1545 Avon Street Extended
Charlottesville, VA 22902
(434) 970-3649
Get DirectionsWho We Are
Charlotte Area Transit (CAT) offers numerous bus routes throughout Charlottesville City and Albemarle County. Utilize the website to plan your route, determine your fare, and understand the rules and regulations when riding this public transit.
Route schedules are posted on the website, along with holiday schedules and alerts to any imminent or long-term interruptions.
Lost & Found - CAT does not take responsibility for items lost or stolen on transit vehicles or in its facilities. All items recovered are kept at the Downtown Transit Station. After 48 hours, items that are considered valuable or contain personal information are taken to the Charlottesville City Police Department. All other items are held for 7 days.
There are Park and Ride sites available and you can find this information on the website.
For complaints (or compliments), please call (434) 970-3649 and choose option 1.