Who We Are
The Welcome Table Breakfast and Outreach Program is a program of The Church of the Epiphany which is located in downtown DC. The breakfast program began in the 1950s and now provides counseling, outreach services and a hot breakfast to as many as 200 men, women, and children each Sunday morning.
Working in partnership with Samaritan Ministries, The Downtown Cluster of Churches, DPAH, Catholic Charities, The Salvation Army, SOME and other non-profits, Epiphany's program provides support to the homeless on a Sunday, when most other services are closed. The program provides emergency counseling and food and is one of the only walk-in counseling centers open on a Sunday. There is no requirement that any of our Welcome Table guests participate in the activities of our parish.
A brown bag with granola, water, face masks, hand sanitizer and other supplies may be available to the homeless.
Volunteers are needed to prepare and serve breakfast and socialize with the visitors.